ENERGY PIPELINE EQUIPMENTdedeho_usr2018-05-23T23:32:20+00:00
Welding perfection for pipeline construction
Automatic welding system & pipe coupling machines
Welding equipment for pipelines
Pipe welding head
Control of welding process
Cutting edge technology
Energy Pipeline Equipment: product solutions
Our business unit specialized in products for pipeline constructors with automatic welding systems and pipe coupling machines using all the cutting-edge technologies for the highest technical and electronic performance.
Our high-precision solutions have been used in the energy industry of pipeline construction across the world, enabling our customers to achieve the highest performance, productivity and welding quality ever possible before.
We offer the following equipment:
TS 10.01
Electronic / mechanical welding system for gas pipelines specifically designed to control the welding process on pipes of any thickness and diameter above 10″

AC 48
Radio-controlled, electrohydraulic, rubber wheels Vehicle powered by lead-acid batteries used for coupling pipes, diameter 48 “and 56”.

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